Find Your Still Point
The Still Point (n.):
Your center of calm in life's chaos
Works (v.):
Because these practices truly deliver

"Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
~ Viktor E. Frankl

The Still Point Works is a collective of offerings built on the belief that we gain clarity when we operate from our inner still point.
Our lives are busy, the world can feel chaotic, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Over time, we accumulate emotional baggage and take on the viewpoints of others, creating barriers that make it harder to truly understand ourselves, speak our truth, and find genuine inner peace.
Getting there takes a desire to learn, openness to change, and willingness to try.
Are you ready to respond differently, find peace, and be less reactive?
Are you ready to find your still point?
Our Current Classes

Find Your Still Point
Discover the “Still Point” as your center of calm, and learn how to increase awareness, pause, and recognize the choices available to respond in a more mindful way.

Seasonal Emotional HealthÂ
In this Master Class, learn how the seasons can impact your health, and tools to adapt to the changes. Align with the energy of Spring, and have the most productive Spring possible.
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Sister Chan Khong
“You are a treasure of humanity.”

"You taught me how to handle a difficult conversation. Thank you!"

Pam B
“I’m wonderful and It’s all your fault.”

"You truly brightened my spirits and healed some of my pain with your words and presence and i want you to know much i appreciate that and how big of a positive impact it has on my well being."

"I'm taking some time to reset my body the way you taught me yesterday and it has been helping immensely, so a HUGE thank you to you!"

“I’ve been Megafied.”

“You’re a miracle worker.”

Jenifer M
“You’re a master of your craft.”Â